Over the past few months, Essential2Life (E2L) has had the opportunity to partner with Operation HOPE, Inc., to introduce to our Junior class the idea of turning a personal interest, dream and skill into a viable business idea and the art of pitching that idea. This course was taught by local professionals and business owners and helped our young leaders develop skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and project management amongst others. Our young leaders first completed a 15-hour Hope Business In A Box Academies (HBIABA) Entrepreneur Training Program.
Now, upon completion of the entrepreneur training, our students have the opportunity to participate in our “Pitch Competition.” Each participant will be given 2 minutes to pitch their business idea to a panel of judges. At the conclusion of the pitch event, winners will receive an HBIABA business start-up kit and up to a $500.00 grant to purchase the materials and supplies required to transform their winning idea into a fully operational business. Pitch Competition winners will also be aligned with a Business Role Model who will provide the necessary technical support to launch their winning idea into a business.
