In this unprecedented year, we need your help to raise $75,000 to change the lives of the students we serve. Matching funds will double the value of your donation.
Thank you for your support and your heart to make a difference in the lives of urban youth! With your help, we can Respond, Recover, and Reimagine.
Essential2Life is a 501(c)(3) (nonprofit) organization, and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Donate Today
Help us make a big difference in the lives of urban youth by making a
tax-deductible donation today! Here’s how you can help:
1. Support our 2024 End of Year Campaign with a donation to help us reach our $75,000 goal. All donations MUST be submitted before December 31, 2024.
2. Make a one-time donation to help support our students. Your generous gift will allow us to purchase vital supplies for our bi-weekly workshops on Georgia Tech's campus, supply breakfast and lunch for our students, and empower our students through experiential learning opportunities.
3. Send checks payable to “Essential2Life, Inc.” to P.O. Box 620053 | Atlanta, GA | 30362 or donate online via Paypal by clicking the button below.
More students need more help. The United Way of Greater Atlanta estimates that 500,000 students in the Atlanta Metro area are living areas of low child well being. Essential2life is turning the curve by increasing high school graduation rates, providing access to affordable post-secondary solutions, and creating a system of supportive adult relationships. We need your help to serve more students, DONATE TODAY!
Essential2Life is increasing the impact by ending generational poverty, one student at a time. We need your help to: Empower students to graduate high school on time, with a plan for post-secondary education. Ensure that students have access to Financial literacy, Leadership Skill building, and Career Readiness training. Educate students on "NO to LOW" post-secondary education options.